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Song Book

105:Do you know the song that the angels sang

Tunes: Glory in the highest, 627
Meter: Irregular

DO you know the song that the angels sang
On that night in the long ago,
When the heavens above with their music rang
Till it echoed in the earth below?

2 Do you know the song that the shepherds heard
As they watched o?er their flocks by night,
When the skies bent down and their hearts were stirred
By the voices of the angels bright?

3 Do you know the story that the wise men learned
As they journeyed from the East afar,
O?er a pathway plain, for there nightly burned
In their sight a glorious guiding star?

All glory in the highest,
Peace on earth, goodwill to men,
Glory in the highest, peace, goodwill to men;
Glory in the highest;
Glory in the highest; Glory in the highest;
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.

Abner P.

Bible reference

Luke 2:10-14 (Key verse)

Tunes linked to this song

627:Glory in the highest

627:Glory in the highest

Metronome: 0
Meter: Irregular

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